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Taj Dental


A perfect smile by modifying the smile design at Taj Dental

At Taj Dental Clinic, we care about improving the appearance and health of your teeth and smile.

If you are not satisfied with the appearance of your smile or need to restore your teeth, smile design correction can help you to have a more beautiful and natural smile. In this article, we will examine the principles of smile design correction, its steps and its benefits.

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What is smile design correction?

It is a cosmetic dental procedure that is performed to improve the appearance of the smile.

This process includes a variety of techniques and methods that help you display your teeth, gums, and lips in a harmonious and attractive way.

Procedures for correcting the smile design:

  1. Initial consultation:

    This process begins with an initial consultation with a dentist. At this point, you can share your goals and expectations with the dentist and set up a preliminary plan.

  2. Check and diagnose:

    The dentist starts to plan the correction by carefully examining and correctly diagnosing the condition of your smile. This includes examining the teeth, gums, color and shape of the teeth, and other related cosmetic factors.

  3. Smile design:

    Based on the initial diagnosis, the dentist will create an optimal smile plan for you. This plan includes the required changes in the color, shape, size and arrangement of the teeth.

  4. Preparation and application of veneer or crown:

    In some cases, veneers or crowns may be needed to improve the appearance of the teeth and smile. These components are placed on the teeth for restoration and beauty.

  5. Composite restorations (Composite Bonding):

    If your teeth require minor restorations, composite restorations can be used as a temporary or permanent solution.

  6. Tooth color adjustment:

    The color of the teeth can be matched more precisely.

  7. Care after correction:

    After a smile makeover, regular care and maintenance can help you maintain your beautiful new smile.

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Benefits :

  • Beautiful and natural smile: This process allows you to have a beautiful and more natural smile that is in harmony with your facial features.

  • Correction of defects: This process helps you correct dental defects, including cracked teeth, discolored teeth, and abnormal tooth measurements.

  • Improved self-confidence: Having a beautiful smile can increase your self-confidence and make you look good in front of others.

  • Functional improvement: Correcting your smile design helps improve your dental functions, including eating and speaking as well as possible.

At Taj Dental Clinic, we allow you to have a beautiful and attractive smile by using advanced technology and the experience of our dentists. If you are interested in a smile makeover or have any questions, contact us for a free consultation and appointment to get you started on your way to a beautiful smile.